Full Guides
Abuse Prevention and Response Guide and Supplements:
Alabama Baptist Abuse Prevention and Response Guide

The complete document organized by the Sexual Abuse Advisory Task Force of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. This document is the equivalent of a paper option of this website and includes all the following supplemental documents.
Below you will find the individual supplements from this response guide broken down into individual documents.
Individual Supplements
Creating Your Church Protection Policies
Resource Providers

A close partner of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions in preventing child sexual abuse. Their main website ministrysafe.com is a helpful resource and destination. We also have a partnership page at ministrysafe.com/alsbom that helps to provide training for your ministry.

Brotherhood Mutual is an insurance provider and risk management resource.
Child Safety Resources
Various resources on child and youth safety within a ministry context.
Sample Screening Application
A screening form example for Children and Youth related volunteers or positions from Brotherhood Mutual.
Social Media for Ministries
Guide from Brotherhood Mutual on creating a ministry policy on social media use.

Church Law & Tax is a ministry of Christianity Today. Reducing the Risk is a child sexual abuse awareness program with training resources, videos, and helpful articles.
Other Plan Examples
Background Check Authorization – Example of an Authorization for a Background Check Form
Employee Covenant – A sample document to assist in expectations and commitments for relevant parties with a newly called candidate for employment by the church.
Ministerial Covenant Example – Commitment document designed for ministerial commitment to church’s expected code of ethical behavior.
Sexual Harassment Policy – Example policy on sexual harassment
Computer and Internet Use Policy– A sample policy that would be used in explicitly stating proper conduct on the Internet and computers.
Other Resources
Child Protective Services FAQs
Sex Offender Database – The database is called the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender database. It is available at www.nsopr.gov, and includes a list of convicted sex offenders nationwide.
Background Check Vendors